

What is Together?

Launched in 2016, Together is a catalytic movement representing hundreds of ministries and thousands of churches who are united around their belief that Jesus changes everything. While those involved come from diverse backgrounds, we are united around an urgency to share Jesus and unleash a revival among Millennials and Gen Zs.

Filling the National Mall

Inspired by Explo ’72 and revivals of the past, Together began as the calling of a Millennial evangelist, Nick Hall, and through a coalition of friends who longed for revival and true John 17 unity. While people thought this group was crazy for calling for a million people to “the largest Jesus gathering in American history” when the group had never organized anything nearly this big before, the vision actually happened… almost.  

While they never reached a million people, on July 16, 2016, hundreds of thousands of people from all 50 states flooded the National Mall in the sweltering heat for one of the largest NextGen Jesus gatherings ever. The crowds were so large that the infrastructure of the National Parks became overwhelmed because of the heat, causing the gathering to be shut down 5 hours early while buses were still arriving from across the country! 

“The purpose of Together was never to come to the Mall, but for a generation to be sent from the Mall.”  – Nick Hall, Together 2016

God’s Bigger Plans

Since that first gathering, God has continued to move–filling stadiums in the United States and massive squares abroad.

Even when the pandemic canceled the Together 2020 gathering planned back on the National Mall, God proved He simply had bigger plans.

Through livestream events and other initiatives, we saw 1.1 million people respond to the Gospel last year. Truly, we are living in the greatest evangelistic opportunity of our lifetime.


Our world is hurting. Never before have we seen so much division, pain, and loss. Never before has the Church been so loud about issues that are not eternal and so silent about what matters most. In the midst of so much pain, it seems that fewer believers are sharing Jesus than ever before, and statistics tell us that Millennials and Gen Zs represent the most unreached and biblically illiterate generation in American history. Even with all of our big events, conferences, and churches, we are losing more ground than ever before.

We need revival. We need change. We need Jesus. 

More than another spiritual high or large conference, the aim of TOGETHER ’22 is to activate a generation to share Jesus and be sent home with the courage, community, and tools to share the Good News.

If you are simply looking for a feel-good concert, this probably won’t be your vibe. If you want to be part of seeing a supernatural shift on your campus, in your city, in your family, and in an entire generation–then join the party.

Is it possible to share Jesus to such a divided and politically correct world? Well, it happened before. 

In June 1972, at the height of riots over Vietnam and political controversy, Billy Graham and Bill Bright led a gathering of 70,000 ‘Jesus People’ for a time of prayer, worship, and equipping to share the Gospel. From that gathering, and from that generation, came the largest evangelistic explosion of missions, church planting, and outreach efforts America has ever seen.

What to Expect

TOGETHER ’22 features some of the best artists and speakers in the world. However, the singular aim of this event is that you would experience Jesus in such a way that both motivates and equips you to take the Gospel home.

We are gathering together the best tools and ministries for the most intentional equipping and commissioning ever because we believe in you. We believe that God has called you to be a part of something far bigger than yourself. We believe He’s called you to reach your friends, family, school, and the nations.  

It’s our aim to equip you with the tools to do it.

We believe there is an entire generation looking for something more than another high or event. We don’t need the natural–we need the supernatural. We need Jesus. Imagine an event where everyone comes not because they are excited about their favorite speaker or band, but because they need Jesus. What will happen? What can God do? 

Let’s find out.

As you can see from the lineup, the TOGETHER ’22 stage will represent the breadth and beauty of the body of Christ. Men and women. All ages, races, and theological backgrounds will gather under the authority of Scripture, in the power of the Holy Spirit, and in the name of Jesus.

Statement of Faith

1.  We believe that the Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God, without error in the original writing, and the supreme and final authority in doctrine and practice.

2. We believe in one God, eternally existent in 3 Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

3. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His death and atonement through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, and in His personal return in power and glory.

4. We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and regeneration by the Spirit are essential.

5. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.

6. We believe in the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life eternal.

7. We believe in the spiritual unity of the Church, which is the Body of Christ, composed of all who are regenerated through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Core Values

Faith-Forward | Hebrews 11
We prioritize evangelism, prayer, Scripture, discipleship, and loving others.

Excellence | Colossians 3:17
We don’t pursue what is easy, but what is excellent.

Agility | Philippians 4:13
We adapt and reassess quickly. We can change directions easily.

Relevance | Acts 17:16-34
We seek to bring the Gospel to where people are, in the language they understand.

Stewardship | Matthew 25:14-30
We aim to maximize our resources – time, talent, possessions, and wealth.

Grit | 1 Corinthians 9:19-27
We work hard. We’re passionate and perseverant.

Diversity | Revelation 7:9
We prioritize the beauty and value of “every tribe, tongue, and nation” among our team and on our platforms.